At first, I was going "ah f... no, not a burglar...meh!!!" Then I remembered that Dusty has a built-in burglar alarm - aka the Brave trait. Go Dusty!! Of course, our girl won - she's a Hogweed after all - which means absolutely nothing like in most cases when people use that phrase :P Spring has sprung and the Spring Festival is in full swing. The Hogweeds decide to go have some fun. Pixie runs into her boo, Johnpaul - who for some, to me unknown, reason likes to wander around in this alien costume. Pixie finds him so hot that she can't resist giving him a smooch despite her mother standing not more than two feet away. Young Sims... absolutely no shame tsk tsk! Carly decides it might be better for them all to go see how the park they are working on is coming along. So, you only see a picnic blanket and a couple of plants but I swear it's a fully functional park with a fishing lake, a playground and various other activities. It even ...
Messing with The Sims