This is Carly Hogweed - At this point, I'm not aware of it but she'll be the founder in a Random Legacy Challenge.
... and let's just be honest. There are no guarantees that we'll make it very far. The Sims 3 is a pretty unstable game - even with all sorts of mods and precautions in place.
I haven't played The Sims 3 in years and even when I did play it wasn't very much because I could never get the game to run properly. I'll be honest and just say it right away - I'm a TS3 noob and there are a lot of features and mechanics in the game I'm not aware of. This is pretty good because that means it will be like playing a brand new game for me - on the other hand, I'll be doing all sorts of stupid things that are against the rules of said challenge - so yeah... I'll try to draw within the lines but meh... I'll not consider it a fail if I mess up.
First Generation Roles:
Family Structure: Couple
Number of Children: 2
Career 1: Political
Career 2: Fortune Teller (Con Artist)
Generational Goal: Living Green
Misc. Fun: Runs in the Family
Yup - the computer was sold right away after I did my roles for generation one!
Also, don't get our hopes up for a story-driven plot with lots of drama and such. I write game-driven stories... or maybe it would be more correct to call it documenting what happens in my game. Someone once called the style a Let's Play in blog-form - I like that description.
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